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Erasmus welcome to Wrocław

Date: 26.10.2017

Wroclaw celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus programme. On this occasion the European Commission Regional Representation in partnership with Wroclaw higher education institutions and students organizations organises an event for participants of the Erasmus programme as well as for all those who are close to the idea of international youth programmes

There will be many attractions and surprises including language workshops, contests, interactive games and good music.

The event will take place on 26 October 2017, from 14.00 till 21.00 in Zajezdnia Dąbie.

Wrocław University of Science and Technology is one of the partner in this amazing event so we warmly invite all international students to take part in it.  

All information you can find at Facebook, and if you are interested join the event!

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