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New InnovaConcrete conference - “Protection of concrete heritage from the beginning of the 20th century”

Date: 26.08.2019 Category: conferences/seminars/lectures

Protection and conservation of and research into concrete monuments, the management of historical buildings, as well as the social and economic factors influencing the maintenance of concrete monuments, are the most important subjects of the conference entitled "InnovaConcrete: Protection of concrete heritage from the beginning of the 20th century", to be held from September 24 to 25 at the Wrocław Congress Centre of the Centennial Hall.


The conference and workshops are organised in connection with the Centennial Hall’s participation in the international European project InnovaConcrete. The project comprises research into as well as the development and testing of modern conservation materials used to protect historical concrete, such as impregnants, consolidants, steel nano-inhibitors, hydrophobizers, cleaning gels, and bio-enzymes facilitating structures’ auto-repair.

Admission to the conference and workshops is free of charge. The presentations will be delivered in Polish and English, and the participants will be provided with simultaneous interpretation services. Admission to the conference will be decided on the basis of the order of applications. Those interested may register via the website.

There is a possibility to deliver a talk on a subject consistent with the scope of the conference. Proposals for the talks can be submitted via the registration system.

The InnovaConrete project is co-created by an interdisciplinary team of partners responsible for areas including scientific research into building materials applying numerical simulations, laboratory research, and in-situ applications. A review of the effectiveness of applications of the materials being developed and tested will be carried out using the project’s reference items and facilities such as sculptures by Eduardo Chillida in Spain, The Towers of Memory in Italy, Arseniusz Romanowicz Station in Warsaw, and Wrocław’s Centennial Hall.

All information about the event and its programme, a map showing the location of the conference venue, and contact details can be found on the website.


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