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Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar

The Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar - a series of open meetings with world-famous speakers - is organised with a wide audience in mind - students, doctoral students, academic staff, and all those interested in deepening their knowledge of exact sciences. Every month, Wrocław University of Science and Technology will host an expert who will talk about the latest research in their field of science.

logo_seminarium.jpgEvery month, Wrocław University of Science and Technology hosts an expert who talks about the latest research in their field of science. We’re inviting both foreign and Polish researchers. These are really eminent personages, who don’t only boast important research but also can discuss it in an engrossing way.


prof. Marek Samoć

dr hab. inż. Renata Krzyżyńska, prof. uczelni
C.K. Norwida 4/6
50-374 Wrocław
bud. C-6, room 316
phone +48 604 176 201,

Andreas Stadler: New Challenges for Europe. Peace, the Rule of Law and Climate Change

Date: 05.10.2022

Andreas Stadler - Austrian Ambassador to Poland - was the next speaker at the Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar. The Austrian diplomat and political scientist spoke about the biggest challenges currently facing Poland, Austria and other countries.more

Shigeru Ban: "Works and Humanitarian Activities”

Date: 16.09.2022

Shigeru Ban, world-renowned Japanese architect and Pritzker Prize winner, was the first speaker to give a lecture after the summer break as part of the Wrocław Technicians' Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar.more

Artur B. Chmielewski: How NASA creates missions: from idea to landing

Date: 09.06.2022

Artur B. Chmielewski, an employee of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory research centre in Pasadena, California, studied physics, mechanics, and computer science at the University of Michigan and the University of Southern California.more

Prof. Adam Bodnar: Democracy and Human Rights in Times of War

Date: 21.04.2022

Professor Adam Bodnar will deliver a lecture during the Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar. The Polish lawyer and academic teacher will talk, among other things, about human rights during an armed conflict.more

Professor Krzysztof Matyjaszewski - Advanced materials by taming free radicals

Date: 14.10.2021

The first academic to deliver a lecture at Wrocław Tech‘s Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar after the summer break will be Prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.more

Wrocław University of Science and Technology © 2024

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