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What is the European Charter for Researchers?

The European Charter for Researchers describes the rights and responsibilities of researchers and institutions that employ them, as well as research funding organisations (grant funders).

  • It is addressed to all researchers in the European Union at all stages of their career and covers all fields of research in the public and private sectors, irrespective of the nature of the position and employment, the legal status of the employer, or the type of organisation or institution where the research is conducted.
  • The document highlights the need to create good and stable working conditions for researchers at every stage of their career path. Also, it encourages professional relationships between researchers and employers or funders that foster positive outcomes in the creation, transfer, exchange and dissemination of knowledge and technological development.
  • It regulates issues including the rules for good practice in scientific research, intellectual property rights, dissemination of research results, funding and remuneration, gender balance, or the non-discrimination principle.
  • The Charter recognises the value of all forms of mobility as a means to further the professional development of researchers.
  • It provides a framework for researchers, employers, and funders to act responsibly and professionally in the work environment and to see each other as professionals.
  • It takes into account the multiple roles of researchers, appointed not only to conduct research and/or to perform development-related activities, but also to carry out scientific supervision, as well as advisory, managerial, or administrative tasks.
  • The Charter is based on the premise that the primary obligation of researchers, their employers, and/or research funders is to comply with relevant national or regional regulations.
  • A university that adheres to the principles laid out in the European Charter for Researchers can use this prestigious distinction and the "HR Excellence in Research” logo.

More about the European Charter for Researchers

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